Looking for Counsellor, Certified EMDR Therapist, Mental Health Coach?

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Welcome to my website, I am the Founder and director of Faith Foo Counseling and co-founder and director of Abri Integrated Mental Health. Clinically, I am a licensed counselor, Certified Coach, Certified EMDR Therapist, Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist, and an author.

In Coaching, I work with CEOs, professionals, and other high-performing individuals. In counseling, my practice specializes in treating depression, anxiety, relationship issues, divorce, stress, traumas, PTSD and more. Everyone struggles with life and feels “down” from time to time, regardless of age, gender, or circumstances. I am currently in my mid 50’s and with over years of experience in the field of coaching and counseling, I’m confident that no problem is too great to overcome.

For me, the point of coaching or counseling is for my clients to become happy, functional, and relatable people. I offer professional coaching and counseling for international ex-pat and local Malaysian clients. Services include individual coaching and counseling, online coaching and counseling, and executive coaching.

It is never too late to change and start living the life you’ve always wanted. If you’re interested in becoming a happier, more fulfilled you, I’d love to work with you every step of the way. Do call or email me for an appointment today.  +6 012-7111693 (O) | faith@abrimentalhealth.com

You may visit my new website at www.faithfoo.com

My Role as a Therapist

As a counselor, my role is to support, inspire, challenge and motivate my clients in a safe and confidential environment.


Have a look, what people are saying about my Professional Counseling Services.


Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly, or phone between 8:00 and 18:00 Monday to Friday — we would be delighted to speak.