The 3 S'Elves
And The Long To-Do List
The 3 S’Elves and the Long to-Do List is a book filled with wonderful lessons for both children and adults to ponder upon and enjoy. It is a story about change, challenges and the journey in finding your true self.
Mid S’elf tries to be someone that she is not, and tells herself that who she really is isn’t okay. She suppresses who she really is and ends up feeling upset and lonely.
As a child, Old S’Elf was moulded by her parents and society to fit in. Eventually, she develops beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and behaviours that keep her acting in the ways she was taught to, but not in the ways that make her appreciate her authentic self.
New S’Elf dares to stay true to what she believes in and is brave enough to express her genuine feelings and opinions.
Do you identify with New S’Elf? If not, this book will help you look deep down, into your New S’Elf.
“A heartwarming book for all who struggle for balance in modern life. Relevant, relatable, and easy to comprehend, you’ll be surprised to find yourself among the elves!” ~ Cathie Wu, Director – ABRI Integrated Mental Health
“What a great book for young people to learn the importance of setting boundaries, practising balance and self-care in life. It is indeed important for our children to know how to love themselves appropriately.” ~ Dr Elizabeth Lee, Chief Executive Officer, Sunway University and Sunway Education Group
“Our ever-growing, ever-transforming “selves” are powerful catalysts that can inspire hopeful change in others. I have personally seen Faith Foo’s transformation of her selves over these last two decades. I trust that this story will resonate with your own, inspiring the selves within you to move towards empowerment and new possibilities.”~ Dr. Johnben Loy, Founder and Clinicial Director – Rekindle Therapy Centre
Faith Foo has illuminated in a delightfully written and beautifully illustrated book the transformation we must all embrace in our “million and one things to do” life; accepting who we are, as we are as always good enough. ~ Karl D. LaRowe M.A., LCSW, International Speaker, Trainer and Author of: “You Are Good Enough: Embracing Who You Really Are”
I Love You, I Hate You
What is wrong with us?
Foreword by Karl D. LaRowe M.A., LCSW
In very simple language, Faith helps us understand why people who love each other can feel such anger and even hate when they feel they are not listened to and misunderstood.
She helps us “decipher” our relationships to understand how we are so reliant on each other – and why this is not a bad thing. She clearly explains the science behind how attachment forms and how deeply important it is to healthy relationships.
She provides real, clear tools we can utilize right away to help improve our relationship with those most important to us.
Meant To Fly
Change is not an easy process. It’s filled with uncertainty, and it can get really uncomfortable. But for the brave few who are willing to complete the journey, a glorious transformation awaits!
If you’re ready to be inspired, this is the story of a caterpillar who was quite happy with the way things were. Until it discovers one day that it is Meant to Fly