Making Relationships Work During & Post Lockdown

FB live video recording: Making Relationships Work During & Post Lockdown.

There’s no secret that prolonged quarantine can take a psychological toll on anyone, especially couples. Whether you’re married or co-habitating, there may be mental health problems from being confined together for a long period of time. Coronavirus-related anxiety is real and can cause serious damage to any relationship. The stress that the pandemic is putting on our lives is huge. Most couples are struggling during this time because they’re stuck inside their homes, and forced to spend more time together like never before.

During the pandemic, couples face a lot more stresses such frustration from homeschooling and constant childcare, the division of chores, financial tension, potential blow to one’s income, reduced funds, budgets for food, fears of contracting the illness, the need to cope with dramatic changes in personal and business-related plans, as well as lack of personal time and space. Couples are trying to adapt to this unprecedented global crisis while working, learning, teaching, partnering, parenting, and more—on top of each other.

While some tips will help couples lessen conflicts in their relationships, remember to not expect perfection. Understand that these are stressful times, and you will unavoidably lose your patience and experience frustration. Compassion for yourself and your partner will go a long way as you navigate these uncharted waters together.

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Making Relationships Work During & Post Lockdown with Faith Soo

Posted by MyPerintis on Sunday, May 17, 2020