Reading Can Help Boost Mental Health During The Lockdown.

Reading can help you boost your mental health during the lockdown. Is time to grab a good book & read.

2nd lockdown is taking a toll on our mental health, we all face the same uncertainty and worry about what the future holds. There are ways we can try to cope, like gardening, baking, & exercising. One more great way is a book.

During times of crisis, we all faced with lifestyle changes. One of the most noticeable changes seen during the lockdown was how we consume media and how we read.

Books, will increase your lifespan, lower your stress and boost your intelligence. Try switching off the news and escaping within the pages of a book is a guaranteed mood booster! You can seek more security and safety in reading.

Children are reading and enjoying reading more during the lockdown.

My two books available in ebook format:

1. The 3 S’Elves is a book filled with wonderful lessons for both children and adults to ponder upon and enjoy. It is a story about change, challenges & the journey in finding your true self.

2. I Love You, I Hate You. Helps readers understand why people who love each other can feel such anger and even hate when they feel they are not listened to and misunderstood. It helps us “decipher” our relationships to understand how we are so reliant on each other. The book helps us “decipher” our relationships to understand how we are so reliant on each other – and why this is not a bad thing. It clearly explains the science behind how attachment forms and how deeply important it is to healthy relationships. It provides real, clear tools we can utilize right away to help improve our relationship with those most important to us.


© Faith Foo,  [2021]. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Faith Foo and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.