Wondering how to make time with your family more meaningful? Families can get into a rut relationally and end up doing the same things over and over again. Children and spouses sometimes need a little creativity to boost up family engagement and fun. Here are seven simple but ingenious ways to inspire you.

1. Have a meal together. Important, NO, electronic gadgets allowed.
Tip: Each member can contribute a dish he or she LIKES. Eat-out or cook together. Include everyone in meal planning whether it means picking a dish or choosing a restaurant. Meals are people’s favourite time of the day, so make the most of it!

2. Be thoughtful. Show them you care about the little details. Surprise them!
Tip: Everyone has things he or she loves or is particular about. While you can’t do them all, you can pick a couple for each member of the family. Example, Make Dad a breakfast in bed. Karaoking with Mum. Cotton candy party with siblings.

3. Spend a few days together on a holiday.
Tip: Set family play time. Play games TOGETHER. Charades anybody? Create a family “bucket list” and try to tick them off together. Eg. Hiking, biking, sky diving etc.

4. Family movie night out (or in).
Tip: SNUGGLE in, put on a projector and enjoy a movie together in your living room or head to the cinema!

5. Write an appreciation card/note to one another.
Tip: Be CREATIVE. It doesn’t have to be a fancy card or a huge gift. A post-it note on their toilet mirror, textbook or handbag with a joke or uplifting sentiment will put a smile on their face. Cute trinkets, HOMEMADE treats or good chocolate never fails to liven up someone’s day.

6. Have a great group hug.
Tip: Squeeze of the arm, pat on the back or firm hug can say so much more than words can ever strive to do. So, SQUEEZE one another real tight!

7. Be spontaneous.
Tip: Go for a late-night car ride and share what’s going on in each other’s life. Grab some ice-cream or supper! Pack some HOT chocolate in spill-proof cups and go for a spin or even just a walk around the neighbourhood!

“The memories we make with our family is everything”
– Candace Cameron Bure

© Faith Foo, www.faithfoocounseling.com  [2018]. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Faith Foo and www.faithfoocounseling.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.